
Thursday, April 7, 2011

three things thursday: polka dots and princesses

Three sweet and simple things I'm loving right now.

image source: MADE blog

One. This little polka dot skirt--especially with those pink tennies. There's a great tutorial on how to make it here. If you don't have a little one, at least click over to see Dana's photos--they'll make you happy.

P.S. Jen and I talked about doing a mini class on making a skirt like this. Sound fun?

image source: Sweet Paul magazine

Two. A PINK POLKA DOT shake. You know I love polka dots and pink and ice cream. When Ella saw this photo, she asked if she could have it for her birthday. Oh yes! Perfection. Check out how simple the recipe is and the rest of the e-zine here. You. will. LOVE. it! 

Darling straws are a must! Go here.

image source: Pebbles in my Pocket blog

Three. The most darling craft project I've seen in forever! There's a tutorial on how to make these magical princess wands here. I have to make one for Elles and Madi and I'm thinking it would be a great project for my Activity Days girlies. 

Have a simply sweet day!


  1. So your post! Makes me happy.

  2. Ok I need like 3 skirts in every color. What a great way to get my girls through the summer. For sure, let me know if you do a class.
