
Saturday, April 2, 2011

my favorite green drink

At the beginning of the year Lynn and I decided we wanted to add more veggies to our diet. I'm pleased to report we've been doing well. :) When that afternoon slump hits (for me it's between 3:00 and 4:00 pm), I like to mix up a healthy green drink--followed by a piece of Dove dark chocolate of course (the green drink cancels it out :)). It does the trick and usually tides me over until dinner.

Not only does this recipe taste good, but it's my favorite because it only uses five ingredients--celery, cucumber, apple, fresh ginger and spinach.

I've been cutting everything up ahead of time and storing the ingredients for one drink (half the recipe) in a Ziploc bag. Super simple to throw into the juicer.

 And the polka dot glass makes it even more delightful. :)

Here's the recipe:


3 stalks celery
2 cucumbers
1 apple
1 chunk fresh ginger
1 c. spinach (I usually add a bit more)

Combine all the ingredients in a juicer. Blend until smooth. Makes 2 glasses.


1 comment:

  1. I drink a green drink everyday, but have never tried ginger. I need to give it a try. Thanks.
