
Sunday, March 7, 2010

life is one big celebration

We're still making Valentine cards around here and it's well into March. Ella loves to drag out life's celebrations and her life revolves around the next holiday or birthday party. As soon as Christmas was over she asked, "What's next?" I knew exactly what she meant. We went down the list--Kate's birthday, then Dad's birthday, Valentine's Day, Mom's birthday, Easter, then your birthday (followed by a big "woo, hoo!" from her). When one of the dates passes, we go through the calendar again.

I think she gets that from me. I love (and need) something to look forward to. Whether it's a small thing-- lunch with a friend or date night with Lynn--or big things like seeing Broadway's Lion King in August. (Lynn got us tickets for our anniversary--so excited!)

I love kid's artwork and when they start writing their names. We went to the Primary activity the week of Valentine's and one of the things they did was make cards for the Charleston Care Center down the street. Ella didn't want to give hers up when she finished. Here are her latest Valentine creations:

I love that Ella loves to be creative. We go through several rolls of scotch tape and glue sticks every week.

I used to do little goodie bags for Patrick, Sean and Kate's birthdays when they were younger. Corny tags like "Thanks for helping Sean 'reel' in a great birthday!" He loved fishing at the time so we filled the bags with Swedish Fish. The kids loved it. Now I'm starting over and finding I still enjoy creating little memories for Ella. It's so much easier with a scanner and computer though! I scanned in Ella's artwork and created these tags:

Then we put together these goodie bags:

So...what's next?


  1. Okay, so I went to this literacy conference in Salt Lake a couple of weeks ago. They ended it with a final speaker, Dr. Humor, and he said something about what you mentioned.

    He said that you should plan fun and joyful activities. Put at least two a week on your calendar. It's healthy for you when you know in advance of something fun and joyful that's coming up. It is a total health benefit for your body and mind.

  2. My body and mind can get all they help they can get! So two a week is what I'm aiming for. Sounds like a great conference. What was Dr. Humor's subject to begin with?

  3. The entire conference was on reading and writing. It went for one evening and two full days. Shannon Hale was the speaker on the first evening. She is so funny! I think they had Dr. Humor there to just lighten all of us educators up! To end the conference on a funny note, I guess. He really just spoke about how humor and laughing and all that is healthy for you.
